Saturday 10 October 2015

Renewable energy

Renewable energy has become a hot topic in recent years. In view of the rising tensions in the Middle East and the depleting oil wells worldwide, concerns have been raised about the viability of continuing to use fossil fuels to power our growing industrial needs. For many years now, interest has been expressed in embracing clean energy as a more eco-friendly means of meeting our energy demands. According to a recent UN Environment Programme report, renewable energy is finally becoming a significant source of power. This is encouraging, although considerable work remains to be done in order to raise global awareness of clean energy so that it will be enthusiastically adopted. Needless to say, none of the major oil companies are particularly enamoured with the prospect of losing market share to the emerging competitors from the Cleantech sector.
Cleantech is a very exciting growth area within the hi-tech sector. The 2015 Cleantech forum brought together investors, entrepreneurs and industry experts together to discuss how Cloud technology can facilitate Cleantech solutions. The forum identified ten startups that stood out as companies doing innovative work. Let’s watch this space and see how these high potential startups perform in the coming years. It would constitute an extraordinary leap in progress for humanity if Cleantech were to become a colossal, global industry.

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