Tuesday 27 October 2015


One of the most frequent and strident criticism of the internet is that it has the tendency to inspire greed and selfishness. There is no doubt that the web can and has inspired unscrupulous behaviour and provided scammers with opportunities galore to exploit the gullible and vulnerable. Nonetheless, the web has also facilitated many positive changes in society and inspired a great deal of generosity and altruism. Think of the enormous efforts made by people worldwide to make online donations for disaster relief in the aftermath of hurricanes or earthquakes. Think of how charities and human rights' organizations have benefited from being able to raise global awareness of their ideas and goals via the online spectrum. Another plight in our society that the internet can help to alleviate is homelessness. 
Artlifting is an online art marketplace for homeless people. Essentially, Artlifting is a benefit corporation that enables homeless and disabled people the opportunity to showcase their art online and make enough sales to be able to get off the streets. Of the original 48 people selling their art on Airlifting, 5 are no longer homeless and 10 of the artists have been selected to show their art at the Museum of fine arts in Boston. According to this article from Techcrunch, Artlifting has just raised $1.1 million in seed funding. This is a very exciting announcement for Airlifting. Needless to say, Artlifting still has a huge amount of work in front of it to truly benefit the millions of homeless people all over the world. But in a day and age where greed and cynicism abound, this is a very promising and admirable step in the direction of making the world a better place to live in for everyone. Let's hope that it continues to inspire people to take proactive action to tackle social problems using the most remarkable technological invention of our time.   

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