Friday 30 October 2015

Domestic robots

Every single day the robotics industry makes increasing advances that take our breath away. Of particular interest are robots that can assist us with simple day to day tasks like...making a cup of tea for instance! Teforia is a tea-making robot that can brew tea at just the right temperature so that it does not lose any flavour. It's an impressive move towards producing practical robotic appliances that can be sold en masse to the public. It may only be a small and trivial advance compared to other technological breakthroughs that we experienced in recent years. Nonetheless, Teforia constitutes an undeniable step in the direction of making domestic robots that can make millions of people's lives easier. Will the likes of Teforia soon become commonplace? Time will tell. But there is no doubt that robotics is about to become a colossal worldwide industry. 

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