Thursday 22 October 2015

Apple launches renewable energy initiative

Renewable energy is generating more and more interest from the large tech companies. Apple is no exception. They have just invested billions in a solar energy initiative in China, in order to clean up its manufacturing operations in that country. China has been under the spotlight for a long time in regard to its carbon emissions, so it comes as no surprise that Greenpeace has applauded Apple's move. According to Apple, their operations in China are now carbon neutral because the company produces more electricity than it uses in China. This is a very admirable initiative by Apple, and one that will hopefully be emulated by other large companies. Climate change is a very serious issue and one that needs to be addressed right here right now. As we continue to build out our technological infrastructure, it is imperative that we keep a close eye on the environment and with that, renewable energy. Hopefully, this major investment in renewable energy is the first of many to come!

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