Monday 12 October 2015


The subject of freedom has become even more important than ever before in the digital age. Although the internet has been an instrument of liberation in many respects, in other ways it has been an instrument of oppression by amplifying the voice of extremists and tyrants. However, one domain which has been irrevocably changed by digitalization is the financial services industry. The advent of the web has brought transparency to many facets of the financial services industry that were hidden in the past i.e. salary benefits of senior executives in banking. One particular platform that has played a pivotal role in introducing greater freedom to the financial sector is of course Bitcoin, as this article explains.

Bitcoin's brand message fundamentally communicates the concept of freedom of choice. This in and of itself is perhaps Bitcoin's greatest strength and the most likely reason behind its extraordinary success. In the eyes of many people, Bitcoin heralds a new dimension of choice in regard to financial payments. Aside from eliminating remittances involved in international monetary transfers, Bitcoin represents greater freedom of choice in regard to currency. In an age when exchange rates are subject to increasing volatility, Bitcoin constitutes an alternative means of avoiding market uncertainty. Needless to say, Bitcoin is not immune to risks. Like any currency or technology, its success will be largely dependent on its market credibility and on peoples' expectations. But for the time being at least, Bitcoin offers a level of freedom to many people that was never there before.  

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