Tuesday 27 October 2015


NSA director Richard Ledgett has warned of the increasing risk to cybersecurity from nation-state hackers. Ever since the Edward Snowden affair, the NSA has come under increasing scrutiny from the public amid accusations of invasion of data privacy. Intelligence services organizations have long used the internet as a surveillance mechanism. What differentiates cyber-espionage now is the sheer depth and breadth of its scope. The amount of intelligence data that can be gleaned from the web is disturbing. Every single thing we do online now leaves and audit trail. This is hugely advantageous for the likes of the NSA that relies upon profiling as a means of apprehending terrorists. Police investigators all over the world have systematically used online profiling to great effect in catching criminals. However, it is critically important that data privacy rights of the individual are never transgressed in the course of digital surveillance. This will prove very challenging to say the very least. This BBC interview with Richard Ledgett is interesting in this regard.

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