Wednesday 21 October 2015

Artificial Intelligence

There is no question that AI heralds huge opportunities and possibilities for the future. Big data and algorithms are just the beginnings. The next step will be Artificial General Intelligence. According to some estimates, this step is about thirty years away. Artificial General Intelligence will be machines that can mimic human beings in every way. One of the greatest paradoxes in regard to AI is the Moravec paradox. Simply put, this means that although machines can perform tasks that humans find extremely difficult (i.e. compute complex mathematical calculations), machines tend to struggle with tasks that humans find very simple (i.e. walking up steps). Machines also struggle with the ambiguity of language, whereas humans tend not to find this a challenge. 
Perhaps the greatest challenge of all will be programming machines to understand moral values and ethical principles. Given the fact that there is enormous dispute amongst human beings as to what constitutes an ethical or moral act (just watch a debate about euthanasia), this will be a difficult thing to do. Designing machines to understand Artificial Emotional Intelligence will be critical to ensure that machines never reach the stage where they could harm humans. The video below addresses many of this issues and more. 


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