Friday 6 November 2015

The future of wireless

One hot topic right now is the future of wireless connectivity. Every day we become more interconnected with one another and take one step further towards the Internet of Things. However, one major challenge to this is the sheer volume of energy required to power the internet. Current estimates hold that 50 billion devices will be online by the year 2020. This will require a staggering amount of energy. With concerns rising over depleting fossil fuels, attention is now focused upon renewable energy. If the coming years can witness a convergence or synergy between internet technology and renewable energy, so much the better for everyone. Solar energy is of particular interest in this regard. If we could harness 0.01% of the energy we obtain from the sun, we could power the entire earth six times over. Li-Fi technology, pioneered by Professor Harald Haas of Vienna, has received enormous interest in this regard. Li-Fi is wireless technology that relies upon visible light. The video below by Harald Haas is particularly illuminating in regard to getting a glimpse of likely future developments in this exciting area. Li-Fi could potentially lead to huge cost savings in energy consumption. 

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