Wednesday 25 November 2015

3D printing in medicine

3D printing has made extraordinary progress in recent years. Just recently, 3D printing helped surgeons conduct an intensive brain surgery operation. According to this article, the usual approach to surgery would not have enabled surgeons to facilitate the operation in question. According to the video below, more than 40,000 hip replacements have been produced using 3D printing. We may well be on the cusp of an incredible medical scientific revolution with 3D printing. If so, our very concept and understanding of doctors, nurses and hospitals is about to undergo a radical change. Although this constitutes an amazing technological development, it does not come without challenges. For instance, what regulations should be in place in regard to 3D printing? What kind of bodies should regulate this technology? There are many ethical hurdles that will need to be crossed as we enter this new domain. But there is not doubt that it heralds tremendous potential for the health and well-being of millions of human beings worldwide.

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