Monday 16 November 2015

Paris attacks

Over the past few days since the heinous attacks in Paris, the media has given huge attention to the reaction from across the world. As nations across the world rally behind France to express their solidarity with Europe's second largest country. What was interesting and moving to observe after the atrocity in Paris, was the influential role played by Social Media. Nothing was more touching than the enormous outpouring of support from across the world in the aftermath of the attacks. From the changing of Facebook profiles to the colours of the French flag to the harsh condemnation of the atrocities on Twitter, Social Media proved an unequivocal force for good on this occasion. Political leaders and civilians alike united around the world to stand by our French brothers and sisters during this dark and tragic time. Atrocities of this nature can make one very cynical towards humanity, until one is confronted with the heartwarming messages on Facebook that point to something far better. Many Parisians used Social Media to offer safe houses to anyone seeking refuge from the attackers. Community pages for survivors of the terror attacks were created on Facebook within days after the events in question. What is undeniable is that Social Media can be a source of tremendous unity and solidarity in times of trouble. As we move day by day into an increasingly digitalised world, Social Media will continue to bring people together to work for the common good. This level of unity will be critical in order to facilitate intelligent discourse about how to rid the world of some of the bad ideas that have been disseminated throughout the Middle East and beyond. In a world torn apart by dangerous religious ideology, is it too optimistic to hope that Social Media may bring us together to overcome these toxic ideas?

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