Friday 14 October 2016

Future of Big Data

We hear about Big Data all the time. But what exactly will be the future of Big Data? Here are ten things we can expect to see happen in the coming years.

1. The volume of data will continue to grow significantly. With the advent of the Internet of Things, this is an indisputable fact.

2. We will develop better and more efficient ways to analyse data. Tools like SQL will become better and more sophisticated in accomplishing this.

3. Business analytics software will focus more and more on prescriptive analytics.

4. Real-time streaming insights into data will become very popular.

5. Privacy will continue to present a huge challenge to Big Data. One of the most contentious issues right now in regard to the internet, is the conflict between privacy and transparency.

6. More and more companies will appoint Chief Data Officers and Chief Information Officers. Data management and governance will be of paramount importance to many companies.

7. Automation will continue to be a huge trend, particularly in regard to AI and robotics.

8. Big Data staffing shortages will emerge as companies urgently require data analysts and scientists.

9. Cognitive technology will become hugely popular as the link between cognitive computing and analytics strengthens. 

10. Big Data will be replaced by "Fast Data" and "Actionable data". Data in and of itself is not useful. What are useful are the insights and applications that can be derived from it. With regard to data, big is not necessarily better. But the way data can be used is hugely beneficial to many companies.

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