Tuesday 25 October 2016

An online Magna Carta

The web has been referred to the largest unregulated social experiment of all time. This is both a positive and a negative thing. One of the great things about the web is the simple fact that nobody owns it. But this is also its greatest challenge. Although the web has brought great transparency to our society, many people feel that it is too intrusive and invasive of privacy. Other people feel that the web protects criminals via the dark web. Some people have called for an online Magna Carta that would protect and enshrine the independence of the web and its users. One of the godfathers of the web, Tim Berners-Lee, has been an advocate of an online Magna Carta. In this short TED talk below, he addresses some of the most important reasons why a Magna Carta, or Bill of Rights is needed for the web. We may think the web is vast right now. But current prognostications by digital experts indicated that it will grow at a mind-boggling rate in the coming years as we enter the age of the Internet of Things. As digital technology marches forward, there is a need for certain rules and regulations to ensure that basic human rights and safety are protected.

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