Sunday 19 February 2017

The rise of the robots

This blog has previously addressed the future of robotics. One book that has recently been published that addresses this topic very well is "Rise of the robots" by Martin Ford. Ford carefully examines the rise in robotics and AI and addresses the likely impacts on the future of the professions. One point he drives home is that robotics will not simply disrupt blue-collar jobs i.e. factories, manufacturing, but also white-collar jobs i.e. accountancy and dentistry. Robotics will revolutionise the world as we know it. But although this will bring many desired changes, it will also pose a threat to the future of our economy. For instance, when robotics disrupts the global economy and millions of jobs are threatened, how will we respond as a society? Will we simply bury our heads in the sand and hope the problem goes away or will we be proactive in terms of helping people whose jobs are threatened, find employment within the new economy? One thing is for sure. Robotics and AI will lead to huge career opportunities for coders in the likes of R or Python. Data analysts will also be highly sought after. Training and upskilling people for careers in these areas will certainly help some people to remain employed. But not everyone wants to be a Python coder or a Data scientist. What roles will those individuals fulfil in the new economy? This question has yet to be adequately addressed but it is one we must tackle as we move forward with technology. Ultimately, technology is about making people's lives better. But we cannot achieve this goal if we do not carefully assess the negative impact of future technology and seek a viable solution. "Rise of the robots" is strongly recommended for anybody interested in this area.

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