Sunday 5 February 2017

10 big European tech stories

Ten big European tech stories occurred recently that could have significant repercussions over the coming year. These were:

1. Barcelona based Smartphone games developer Social Point was acquired by Take-Two for $250 million.

2. European lawmakers agreed to cap the wholesale charges mobile service operators pay each other, thus paving the way for the abolition of roaming fees in Europe in June of this year. This could open more opportunities for Smartphone developments.

3. Spotify has considered delaying its IPO until 2018.

4. UK-based Zoopla has agreed to buy data company Hometrack for £120 million.

5. Uber has announced a partnership with German firm Daimler, maker of Mercedes-Benz cars and trucks. Daimler plans to produce its own self-driving Mercedes-Benz into Uber's fleet.

6. U.S event management platform Eventbrite has acquired Amsterdam-based Ticketscript to strengthen its European presence.

7. Spotcap has announced a new partnership with New Zealand's Heartland bank.

8. A German consumer group has sued Whatsapp in Berlin over the collection and transfer of user data on the platform.

9. U.S recruitment software company SmartRecruiters has acquired job search company Jobspotting.

10. Lego has launched a new app for under-13s called Lego Life.

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