Friday 16 December 2016

Japanese robots

Robots will play a critical role in the future, of that there is no doubt. But certain countries will be more reliant upon robots than others. One country that will rely very heavily upon robots is Japan. In recent decades, the birth rate in Japan has steadily decreased. For many different socioeconomic reasons, increasing numbers of young Japanese couples have chosen not to have children. This alarming trend does not bode well for the future of the Japanese economy. As Japan's population ages, there will be fewer and fewer grandchildren to support their grandparents. This will be of particular concern in the healthcare profession. Elderly people need young, able-bodied nurses to assist them through the day. With fewer and fewer young people  in Japan, the number of nurses and care assistants in Japan will decrease significantly. Added to this, Japan has one of the tightest immigration policies in the world, so it's extremely unlikely that Japan will benefit from an influx of young people from other parts of the world. This, coupled with the declining birth rate means that the future Japanese economy will urgently require some means of supporting its elderly population or the country will run into severe problems. Thankfully, there is some reason for cautious optimism.

For many years, Japan has been a world leader within the field of robotics. Japanese scientists and developers have been at the forefront of robotics research, particularly robots aimed at consumers. It is entirely conceivable that Japan will be able to mass-produce reliable robotic nurses and carers to support it's ageing population. Robots at your service are likely to become a key feature of Japanese society in the future. This short video below provides some insight into the kinds of developments currently underway within Japanese robotics. This is an exciting area to keep on eye on for the coming years. What is happening in Japan is likely to spread throughout the rest of the world. 

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