Thursday 1 December 2016

Biometrics, the future of passwords?

The field of biometrics is growing exponentially. One very practical application of biometrics is in regard to password security. As this article on Finextra makes clear, this could have significant effects within payment technology. Nobody wants to type in a password whenever they need to authorise a payment, so biometrics could help facilitate smoother payments. 'Paying by selfie' could become the new norm, with eCommerce giants like Alibaba and Amazon expressing interest in it. Huge advances are also being made in relation to sensory technology i.e. voice, heartbeat and vein recognition technology. But as biometrics advances, so too will security concerns. Hackers will become more adept at creating duplicates for biometrics. Therefore, biometrics will need to stay one step ahead of hackers in regard to keeping consumers safe. The video below provides some interesting information on the future of behavioural biometrics. 

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