Tuesday 5 January 2016

Security threats for 2016

Although 2015 witnessed many exciting developments within the Internet of Things, it was also the year that the Internet of Things got hacked. Some notable examples of security breaches last year include the Ashley Madison incident and the hack into InvestBank in the United Arab Emirates. As fears about cybercrime become exacerbated, here are some areas in which we can expect to see further security breaches in 2016.

1. Extortion hacking. This is where hackers threaten to release sensitive data unless the victim pays money or meets some other demand. Public release of sensitive data can potentially ruin someone's career or personal life, so extortion hacking can be brutally effective. In cases where victims give in to the demands of the hacker, the public may never know about the hacking. Such attacks will unfortunately become more prevalent in 2016.

2. Data manipulation attacks. Cyber attacks that change or manipulate data have become a major area of concern now. When hackers succeed in infiltrating a system and altering data, the effects can be catastrophic. For instance, if hackers could penetrate a stock trading system, they could force stock prices to either rise or fall, thus altering the global markets. Data sabotage that comprises the integrity of weapons systems could be hazardous to global security. 

3. Chip and PIN hacking. Last year saw a rise in Chip and PIN fraud. Banks have responded by designing improved Chip and PIN cards in order to circumvent such incidents, but hackers are ever vigilant for opportunities to exploit in this area. Banks will need to continue to maintain high level security measures in order to thwart hackers. However, as someone once said, the biggest security risk for any bank is its customers. If customers are careless with their banking data, hackers will have ample opportunity to hack into bank accounts and steal funds.

4. Zombie botnets. Last year we witnessed connected cars, medical devices and skateboards get hacked. There is an emerging trend for commandeering of IoT devices for botnets. This means that CCTV cameras can be turned into botnet armies in order to launch DDOS attacks. This will unfortunately become a major risk this year.

Cybersecurity will be critically important as we move forward into the Internet of Things. Cybersecurity specialists will become highly sought after individuals worlwide in view of the increase in risks. Now is an exciting time to be alive. This year promises to be an interesting one in terms of the technological developments in store. But every new development brings with it opportunities for hackers. So vigilance and care as always are extremely important. 

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