Tuesday 12 January 2016

David Bowie's legacy

The world has been deeply saddened over the past few days to learn of the unfortunate passing of an extremely talented musician, David Bowie. Bowie truly was a musical revolutionary who will be remembered for decades as one of the greatest musicians of his time. However, as well as being a brilliant musician, Bowie was also an Internet pioneer. That is to say, Bowie was ahead of his time when he launched his internet service BowieNet in 1998. Few other artists in the late nineties provided any online material to their fans. BowieNet also operated as a full internet service provider in the UK and the US, competing with the likes of AOL and others. In interviews during the nineties, Bowie said that he expected the internet to have a huge effect on the music industry. How right he was. Bowie's website was the first attempt to create an online community around a rock star and it worked extremely well. Bowie also produced BowieWorld, a 3D chat environment offered via his site. Many other artists around the world have now taken Bowie's lead and harnessed the online world to promote their music. What Bowie achieved will truly be remembered for a long time. This video below is a brief yet poignant tribute to the great artist. 

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