Tuesday 29 March 2016

Is the term 'online' obsolete?

We continue to use the terms 'online' and 'offline' on a daily basis, but perhaps the time has come to consider that such terms may be antiquated. Asking whether you have spent much time online today makes about as much sense as asking whether you have used much electricity today. We are immersed and entrenched in the web from the minute we wake until the minute we go to sleep. Few of us today remain offline for any significant length of time. Even switching off our Smartphones for any length of time is becoming unbearable for many people. We don't really 'logon' any more. We are practically logged on all day long. Whether you realize it or not, a significant amount of information about you is now available online, including your credit score. This is unsettling to many people, but that's just how it is. As we continue to embrace the Internet of Things, we may need to redefine some of our digital terminology. We are always connected, always on. In the year 2016, the term 'online' is meaningless for most of us.

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