Tuesday 1 December 2015

Computers of the future

What will the computers of the future look like? Smartphone technology has radically disrupted the traditional computer market. Some people think traditional computers could soon become obsolete and be completely replaced by Smartphones. However, as a great as Smartphones are, there is nothing comparable to the large screens of traditional desktop computers. One thing that is radically changing is the size of the hard drive and other components of computers. The video below carefully demonstrates the new $5 computer. Will this soon become commonplace? Possibly, but there is still considerable research and testing needed before it becomes mainstream. The beauty of the Smartphone and/or iPhone/iPad is their portability. In a day and age where people are travelling more and more and always on the move, this is a very strong selling point. Desktop computers of the future will be much more portable and flexible than they are at present, but they will need to retain their large screens somehow and this will certainly present a formidable challenge.

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