Tuesday 17 January 2017

The future of coding

There is no doubt that coding will play an integral role in the technology economy of the future. In his excellent book "The industries of the future", author Alec Ross predicts that in the coming years, coding languages like Python will be taught in schools to children starting from an early age. This is already happening in one country - Estonia. This tiny Eastern European country radically transformed itself in the mid-1990s from an ex-Soviet backwater to one of the most tech savvy nations on earth.The Estonians demonstrated extraordinary prescience by teaching their children how to write software code. This greatly helped Estonia develop the skilled workforce it required in order to build its competence and reputation. Could this become a feature of all schools worldwide in the future? Possibly. But it will take time for education departments to latch on. Certainly this would be a judicious move by any forward-thinking country, to invest in teaching young children how to code. However, it will take a huge amount of convincing to make education departments make a radical change to their curriculum. But software coders will be a highly sought-after commodity in the future and the more we can do to meet this need the better.