Saturday 19 November 2016

The future of eCommerce

What is the future of eCommerce? Here are some things to expect.

1. Retail spaces will effectively become showrooms. Shopping centres of the future will be quite different to what they are now. Rather than loading up shopping trollies with goods, consumers will sample goods in shopping centres that they are interested in. They will then scan and purchase them with their Smartphones and have them delivered home within hours. 

2. Curation and personalisation will be a huge part of eCommerce in the future. These will facilitate a more direct relationship with consumers. The fashion industry will probably account for one third of all eCommerce.

3. Mobile commerce will be central to eCommerce. Companies that understand mobile commerce the best will reap the biggest returns.

4. Content marketing will be key. This will include video, Social Media, reverse guest blogging, newsletters and infographics.

5. Near Field Communication may become the future of eCommerce. NFC technologies like Google Wallet enable consumers to tap their phone with their credit card to pay for an item. Technologies like these will make for smoother and faster eCommerce transactions. Expect to see exciting developments in NFC technology.

Monday 7 November 2016

Intel's virtual reality lab

Intel has invested heavily in Virtual Reality technology. This short video gives an overview of some of the exciting developments we can expect to see in this space in coming years.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Climate Smart Agriculture

One area of industry that is being revolutionised by technology is agriculture. With the human population expected to reach 9.7 billion by the year 2050, the demand for agricultural produce has never been greater. However, agriculture will need to deal with anthropogenic climate change. Agriculture must be eco-friendly in order to ensure food safety for all the countries of the world. Many agragrian societies have yet to adopt modern technology, but this is changing. Much work remains to be done, but exciting developments are underway. The short video below by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN, gives an overview of what we can expect to see happen.